Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Domestic Violence During The United States - 1174 Words

It has been recorded that approximately â€Å"2,000,000 injuries, and 1,300 deaths are caused each year as a result of domestic violence† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This harm to and loss of life is due to the negligence of all Americans, in regards to the monitoring and managing of domestic violence in the United States. In order to combat the blatant disregard for domestic violence victims, Americans must support, aid, and assist those who fall victim to this crime, as well as educate those who are oblivious to the matter at hand. These actions will be essential in the eradication of domestic violence, as well as the preservation of the health and overall safety of all American people. To begin, in order to understand the†¦show more content†¦And the answer to this would be; anyone can become a victim of domestic violence. Although most would assume that only women could be affected by this heinous crime, this is not the case. Granted, in a 2001 U.S. study, â€Å"85 percent of the victims were female with a male batterer† (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics), but the other 15% did not fit into this category. This 15% represents the males with female batterers, as well as those victims in lesbian and gay relationships. It is not as common, but uncommon is not synonymous with nonexistent. Again, it can happen to anyone. So now it is known that domestic violence is the abuse of one partner from another, and that it can happen to anyone, but what are its effects? Well, there are many, however none of them are pleasant. Domestic violence has been known to be the leading cause of numerous physical, mental, and spiritual deformities within its victims. As one continues to live in the type of unhealthy environment that domestic violence provides, there are usually various risks to one’s well being that parallels this. For one, the ongoing physical abuse that one undergoes when in this type of situation can be the barer of black eyes, sprained and broken bones, and countless bruises on the victim. More long-term physical complications may even include chronic fatigue, muscle tensions, and problems with

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